
Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Zarvanitsa Icon in Dubno

Small village of Zarvanitsa is located in Podolye region of Ukraine. The village is famous for Zarvanitskiy Mariyski Monastery – the main spiritual center of Greek-Catholic Church.
Legends say that after the devastation of Kyiv in 13th century one monk ran to the west of Ukraine and during his trip he fell asleep from exhaustion and had a dream about St. Virgin Mary blessing him. Next morning the monk went to the spring and saw an icon in it. After he washed his wounds from a long run in that spring they healed. This miracle made monk to create a cell in the nearest cave and put the icon in it.
For a long period of time many people went to that spring in order to be healed and monks can tell about many miracles that happened in the monastery. During the tour you will find out many interesting things about this monastery, general information about the religion in Ukraine, will be able to see the miracle-working icon and get some water from the famous spring.
                                                   (+37 pictures under cut)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Independence Day

This year the holiday we are celebrating with special feelings. 
The fascist Russia gave these feelings for us.