
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ukrainian Orthodox Church Of Holy Protection Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Of  The Holy Protection Of  The Blessed Virgin Mary In Dubno (Rivne region, Ukraine)
East side of the church

(Look more under cut. All pictures are clickable)

1.   The main iconostasis

To read Evangeliyar

The main  chandelier

 Offer up a prayer

The boys which helps to serve in the church

The senior priest, spiritual director Father Oleg

The central dome inside

The main iconostasis

The main entrance

The main entrance. The south part of the church and belfry

The pray

The boys which helps to service in the church

There are two iconostasis in the church - the Main One and of St. Olga

The west side of the church

A parishioner of the church

The commemorative plaque

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