
Thursday, May 12, 2022

 At early morning, I switch on PRIDE from WOG and saw that there is gasoline for sale at the gas station on the way out of the city, along the Kyiv-Chop highway. I immediately gone there. The line of cars was not very long. I was about 12th in the queue. In the PRIDE application, it was indicated that for one car you can buy 20 liters of A-95 gasoline. Ahead of me in the queue was an Audi-A5, in which there were two men. It seems to me that they poured 40 liters of fuel into the tank, instead of 20. Now, with all these restrictions, cars are refueled like this. When you drive up to the gas station one by one, the gas station attendant inserts the gas gun into the tank of the car. You go to pay at the cash register and after that they fill you car with gas. At the cash, your QR-code is scanned from a smartphone, according to which the next time, at another WOG gas station, you can to buy fuel after three hours, but no more than 3 times a day. Those two men from Audi went both to the cash desk, meaning they had two PRIDE apps on their smartphones. When they filled their tank with gasoline, they tipped the gas station attendant. It is possible that they also tipped the cashier to scan two QR-codes, supposedly two cars were filled. But this is just my guess only. 

        I bought gasoline at the price of UAH 39.57/liter. Paid UAH 791.4 hrn. In US dollars it will be $1.25/liter approximately $25.05US for 20 liters

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