
Monday, February 28, 2022

 In the grocery store closest to us, a range of the goods have decreased significantly, but everything you need is available. Prices have risen of course. People buy goods and products that can be stored longer, such as canned goods, milk with a long shelf life, cereals, matches, toilet paper, etc.

   *** Second day in a row, very low Internet speed.

    *** Negotiations between the Ukrainian and Russian authorities took place on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. It is said that the negotiations will be continued after consultations with the governments. Immediately after the negotiations, the Russians launched a very strong missile attack on Kyiv. The news reports that it was a ballistic missile. A strong rocket attack was also carried out on the city of Brovary, which is located near Kyiv.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

 When I was going to the store, I noticed that there were few cars on the road. Much less than it was yesterday or the day before yesterday. Then there was a large flow of cars to the west. There were also few people in the store. The range of products is slightly smaller than usual, but everything you need is there. Prices have risen a little, but not significantly. I noticed that the currency exchange kiosk was closed. A few days ago, there was an advertisement on the window saying that there were no hryvnias for sale.

          **** In the first half of the day, all the residents of our building (well, almost all) came out together to clear the basement for the bomb shelter. There was a lot of garbage there. Young guys started collecting empty bottles. They said that they would do "Molotov cocktails". But I think that if a Russian tank enters the area of our residential buildings, it is unlikely that it will be possible to approach it at a distance of 15-20 meters. Therefore, that idea with empty bottles is useless.
       *** CNN news is broadcast in English on the 43rd television channel. This is very good! I learned from the news that our mass media slightly exaggerates the losses of the Russians when they report about it. If CNN reports about 450 killed Russian soldiers, our news channel talks about 4,000 to 5,000 dead. That is, the figures are inflated almost 10 times. I've tried to monitor on the Internet - there is no accurate data on the number of dead on both sides.
   **** TV news, it is reported that the largest plane "Mriya" was burned in Gostomel.
   *** Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia were on the border between Belarus and Ukraine. Nothing is known about the results yet.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

 In the morning, TV news reported that the "sleeping" districts of Kyiv were fired with cruise missiles. One of them hit a high-rise building at the level of 16-18 floors.

        Halina, late in the evening, saw some lanterns in our area, very similar to drones.
         Our neighbor, Slavik, joined me in the "War" group for our house. This Viber's group was created for messages about danger for our building residents. Girls from this group should probably be transferred to a separate subgroup, because they send disturbing messages very often without reason.
          My friend Volodymyr called. He reported that his daughter and granddaughter spent almost a day getting from Kyiv to Lutsk. Usually, such a trip takes 5-6 hours by car or bus. Yesterday Volodymyr took them to the Polish border. The line of cars in front of the border stretched for 20 km. They went about 9 km to the border on foot. The girls stood all night on the street, at the border. In the morning, they boarded a bus that took them to Poland. Men from 18 to 60 years old are not allowed abroad.
        In our city, the "news" spread very quickly that a group of Russian soldiers had been arrested at the railway station, but later it was officially announced that it was a group of ordinary stowaways who were going to Uzhhorod.

Friday, February 25, 2022

 In the morning we learned from the news that the Russians had hit the airport in Rivne with two missiles. The Russians are already heading to Ukraine in columns. Kyiv is being bombarded with missiles. People hide and escape either in the subway or basements. I've called to my school friend Volodymyr in Lutsk. His daughter and granddaughter left Kyiv at night, but had not yet reached Lutsk until the morning. In the morning they were somewhere in the Novograd-Volynsky area.

I filled my car up to a full tank. Gasoline costs 35 UAH/liter. There was almost no line at a regular gas station. All the filling lines were hired, but I was a second in the line. There was also only one car behind me. At the OKKO branded gas station the line of cars was about 50 meters long. It is possible that people want to fill their cars with diesel. There is a big shortage of diesel now. In my car, the sensor showed that with a full tank of gasoline I can drive 700 kilometers.
    There was news on the Internet that an air alarm warning had been announced over the Rivne region, but I found out about this after the white alert was announced. All day, I missed the air alerts twice.
        Our neighbor Lena K. said that they called her from the territorial defense headquarters and asked that in the evening the lights in the apartments from the 3rd to the 5th floor be turned off. (Our house is 5-story).
        According to news reports, the Russians lost 10 air jets, 7 helicopters, approximately 30 tanks, 516 armored vehicles and more than 2,800 soldiers in two days.

Thursday, February 24, 2022


 This morning the Russian army attacked Ukraine. Missile attacks were carried out on military airfields in Lutsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kolomyia, Kyiv, Kharkov, Kherson and others.

          In the morning I went to the store. I saw that there were long queues near the ATMs. The store also had a long line at the checkout counter. People were buying carts and baskets full of groceries. I've bought everything I had planned, with the exception of biscuits. People mainly bought cereals, flour, matches and other products and essentials. I stood in line at the checkout for about 40 minutes. There was a delay at the checkout due to a woman who forgot the PIN code on her bank card.

        I looked at the news on the Internet. It is reported that about 40 of our military personnel were killed. The Ministry of Defense reported that 1 Russian plane, 2 helicopters and 4 tanks were shot down. Several soldiers were captured.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 Russia officially recognized the DPR and LPR and sent its troops there. If earlier the Russians claimed that there were no Russian troops there, now they have already officially entered there. Now the question is, within what boundaries do the Russians recognize these entities? Ukraine does not control only 1/3 of the region's territory.

            To date, the Russian army has shelled front-line villages 59 times. On the Ukrainian side, one soldier was killed and one was wounded. The villages of Pivdenne, Donetsk region, and Mariupol were shelled the most - 7 shellings each from artillery and 122mm mortars. The Russians also use Grad artillery systems.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Aggravation in Donbass. Russia constantly lies about shelling from Ukraine and our armed forces. General mobilization has been announced in ORDLO. Russian soldiers appeared in Donetsk. They wear camouflage without identification marks and are identified by their non-local dialect. In Transnistria, separatists also conduct “exercises.” In Belarus, Russian troops “exercises” do not stop.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

 Putin ordered that “refugees” from ORDLO be given 10 thousand rubles (approximately $115US). The “refugees” who arrived in the Rostov region of Russia were surprised to learn that no one needed them there and there was nowhere to resettle them.

Friday, February 18, 2022

 Evacuation of the population has been announced in ORDLO. Women and children are being taken to the Rostov region of Russia. Men aged 18 to 50 years are prohibited from traveling. In Donetsk, the car of one of their bosses exploded. There are no casualties or injuries. In Lugansk at night there was an explosion and fire on a gas pipeline. TV shows empty streets and the sound of sirens in Donetsk.

         President Joe Biden said late in the evening that, according to intelligence information, Putin had decided to attack Ukraine, but there was still a chance to resolve the problem diplomatically.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

 The shelling in ORDLO* (*occupied areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions) has intensified. In the village of Luganskaya, a shell hit the building of a kindergarten. The children were not injured, but two kindergarten workers were shell-shocked. In total, there were about 40 shellings along the entire demarcation line. The separatists blame the Ukrainian side for the shelling.

Monday, February 14, 2022


 There was information in the news that today about 24 charter flights with oligarchs and members of their families on board took off from Kyiv. The most “patriotic patriots” are leaving Ukraine.


UIA airline said it was forced to fly 5 planes to Spain at the request of insurance companies. These aircraft were used on lease by Ukraine (Boeing 737-800)

Sunday, February 13, 2022


 The Russian online publication reports that about 40 states have ordered their citizens to leave the territory of Ukraine.

       Four airlines canceled their flights to Ukraine.

A SkyUp plane flying from Madeira to Kyiv landed in Chisinau due to a ban from the owner of the plane to fly into Ukraine. The media also report that international air traffic with Ukraine may be stopped in the coming days.

     The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine stated that the skies over Ukraine remain open and information about the closure of airspace is not true.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

February 10, 2022

 The Russian Foreign Ministry is recommending that some employees of its embassy in Ukraine leave the country.

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

February 4, 2022

       Russia is building up its troops on the border with Ukraine, as well as in Belarus. The Russians announced that joint exercises with the Belarusians would begin on Thursday, February 10. But they had already started shooting. Some troops in Belarus were stationed 50 km from the border with Ukraine.

         French President Emanuel Macron met with Putin. Negotiations lasted about 6 hours, but did not lead to anything. After this, E. Macron went to Kyiv.
    Putin, at a press conference, said that NATO threatens Russia because... approaches its borders. Although Putin was the first to occupy Crimea and part of Donbass.